Traumatic Injuries (Adult & Children)
Dislodged Teeth
Injuries to the mouth can cause teeth to be forcefully moved in various directions. It can be pushed back in the socket or forced partially out of the socket in any direction. Do not delay in seeking treatment. Your general dentist or endodontist may need to reposition and stabilize your tooth. Depending on the severity of the pulp damage from tooth movement or symptoms, root canal treatment is usually started 1-2 weeks after.

Avulsed Teeth
This is an injury where the tooth is completely knocked out of the socket. If this were to happen, time is of the utmost importance. The first hour is the most critical with the highest success rate for saving the tooth. Every hour that passes by decreases the chance of saving it. If possible, place it back into the socket. When handling an avulsed tooth that has fallen out of your mouth, remember to hold it only by the crown. The root has viable ligament cells that die easily if touched. Keep the tooth moist by placing it in milk, saline, or even water. If none of that is available, keep it inside the cheek of your mouth. Contact your general dentist immediately to have the tooth repositioned and splinted. Root canal treatment will follow once the tooth is stabilized, generally within 1-2 weeks. Depending on the length of time the tooth was out of your mouth, how the tooth was handled, and how it was stored will influence the type of endodontic treatment needed.

Apexogenesis, Apexification, Resorption
Lehigh Valley Endodontics is also highly trained in diagnosing and treating various traumas in immature teeth (usually kids) as well as in mature teeth.

Other disorders of the tooth include resorption, which is as illustrated. Accidental perforations can also be repaired successfully without the loss of the tooth.

Non-Vital Bleaching
Teeth that have turned a darker color, in most cases from trauma, can be whitened to match your neighboring teeth. The materials used although very effective, can be quite disruptive to the surrounding tissues. To prevent possible gum irritation and tooth erosion, this procedure is performed under a rubber sheet and the operating microscope for precise application to gain optimal success.